This "Experience Path" course will help you dive deeper into the concept and principles of Common Sense Psychology™ and how to apply them to your life.
It takes you on a journey of discovering the "True Principles" of Psychology found in the Bible and other Inspired Writings.
The "Will" and decision making will be covered, and how to use your "gifts" or "mind faculties" for good. The mind, thoughts, feelings, actions, habits, character, and destiny are explored.
The aim of this path is to discover a Biblical escape route for breaking free from uncertainty and emotional stress to find freedom, improved relationships, new habits, and a balanced life.
In this course we are discovering and learning to apply, together, the TRUE PRINCIPLES OF PSYCHOLOGY & HEALING found in the Bible and given through true inspiration (that are safe, sensible, simple, sane, scientific, and Scriptural).
Including the methods and techniques of Jesus Himself...
1. Feel a deep sense of True Connection to God and His inexpressible Loving-Kindness.
2. Enjoy healthy relationships and social interactions with proper boundaries.
3. Overcome wrong thinking patterns that no longer serve us.